Foundation Tabs Cannot Read Property 'hash' of Undefined


JavaScript Movement UI

Modal dialogs, or popular-up windows, are handy for prototyping and production. Foundation includes Reveal, our jQuery modal plugin, to brand this easy for you lot.


A modal is just an empty container, so you tin can put any kind of content inside it, from text to forms to video to an entire grid.

Delight notation that we removed the option for AJAX loaded modals in Foundation half-dozen. Nosotros did make it very easy to implement on your ain though, check out a sample in the Advanced section.

To create a modal, add the class .reveal, the attribute data-reveal, and a unique ID to a container.

Watch this role in video

edit on codepen button

                          <div                form="reveal"                id="exampleModal1"                data-reveal>              <h1>Awesome. I Have Information technology.</h1>              <p                form="pb">Your burrow. It is mine.</p>              <p>I'yard a cool paragraph that lives inside of an even cooler modal. Wins!</p>              <button                class="shut-button"                data-shut                aria-label="Close modal"                type="push">              <span                aria-subconscious="truthful">              &times;              </span>              </push button>              </div>                      

Awesome. I Have It.

Your couch. It is mine.

I'm a cool paragraph that lives within of an even libation modal. Wins!

You lot'll besides demand a mode to open up the modal. Add the attribute information-open up to any chemical element. The value of data-open should exist the ID of the modal.

                          <p>              <button                class="button"                data-open="exampleModal1">Click me for a modal</button>              </p>                      

You lot'll also demand a way to close the modal from inside. Past default, modals will close if clicked exterior of, or if the esc central is pressed. Even so, you'll by and large besides want to add your own click trigger. Add together the aspect data-shut to any element inside the modal to add one.

You can use our handy close push styles to practice this:

                          <button                class="close-button"                information-shut                aria-label="Shut modal"                blazon="button">              <span                aria-hidden="true">              &times;              </span>              </push button>                      


On small screens, a modal is e'er 100% of the width of the screen. On medium-sized screens and larger, the width changes to 600px (see the $reveal-width setting).

The size of a modal can be inverse with these sizing classes, which are added to the modal container:

  • .tiny: thirty% wide
  • .minor: 50% wide
  • .large: 90% wide
  • .total: 100% width and elevation, defaults the escClose choice to truthful, as well as creates a close button.

Scout this part in video

edit on codepen button

                          <div                class="tiny reveal"                id="exampleModal"                data-reveal>              <!-- ... -->              </div>                      

I may be minor, but I've got a big heart!

Nested Modal

It's possible for modals to open other modals. Create a 2d modal with a unique ID, and then add a click trigger with information-open up inside the showtime modal.

edit on codepen button

                          <p>              <push                class="push"                data-open="exampleModal2">Click me for a modal</button>              </p>              <!-- This is the beginning modal -->              <div                form="reveal"                id="exampleModal2"                information-reveal>              <h1>Awesome!</h1>              <p                class="lead">I have some other modal inside of me!</p>              <button                class="button"                data-open="exampleModal3">Click me for another modal!</button>              <push button                class="close-push"                data-close                aria-label="Shut reveal"                blazon="button">              <span                aria-subconscious="truthful">              &times;              </bridge>              </button>              </div>              <!-- This is the nested modal -->              <div                class="reveal"                id="exampleModal3"                data-reveal>              <h2>ANOTHER MODAL!!!</h2>              <button                class="close-button"                information-close                aria-label="Shut reveal"                blazon="button">              <bridge                aria-hidden="true">              &times;              </bridge>              </push button>              </div>                      


I have another modal inside of me!

Some other MODAL!!!


A full-screen modal is 100% of the width and height of the window. Add the .full class to brand information technology become.

Watch this role in video

edit on codepen button

                          <p>              <button                course="button"                data-toggle="exampleModal8">Click me for a full-screen modal</button>              </p>              <div                course="total reveal"                id="exampleModal8"                data-reveal>              <p>OH I'M SO FUUUUL</p>              <img                src=""                alt="Introspective Cage">              <button                grade="close-push"                information-shut                aria-characterization="Close reveal"                blazon="button">              <bridge                aria-hidden="true">              &times;              </span>              </button>              </div>                      


Introspective Cage

Avant-garde Options

No Overlay

To remove the overlay, add the aspect information-overlay="false" to the modal.

edit on codepen button

                          <p>              <button                class="button"                data-toggle="exampleModal9">Click me for an overlay-lacking modal</button>              </p>              <div                class="reveal"                id="exampleModal9"                data-reveal                data-overlay="imitation">              <p>I feel so free!</p>              <push button                class="close-button"                data-close                aria-label="Close reveal"                type="button">              <span                aria-hidden="true">              &times;              </span>              </button>              </div>                      


To use animations from the Motility UI library, include the information-animation-in="someAnimationIn" and data-animation-out="someAnimationOut" attributes. If you lot desire to adjust the speed or timing, include information technology the attributes like data-animation-in="someAnimationIn fast".

Lookout this part in video

edit on codepen button

                          <p>              <push                form="button"                data-toggle="animatedModal10">Click me for a modal</button>              </p>              <div                form="reveal"                id="animatedModal10"                data-reveal                information-close-on-click="truthful"                data-animation-in="spin-in"                information-animation-out="spin-out">              <h1>Whoa, I'grand featherbrained!</h1>              <p                class="lead">There are many options for animative modals, cheque out the Motility UI library to see them all</p>              <push button                class="close-button"                information-close                aria-characterization="Close reveal"                type="button">              <span                aria-hidden="true">              &times;              </span>              </push>              </div>                      

Whoa, I'm dizzy!

There are many options for animative modals, bank check out the Motion UI library to run into them all


To utilise AJAX to load your modal content, use the code snippet below.

                          var              $modal = $('#modal');  $.ajax('/url')   .washed(                function(resp){     $modal.html(resp).foundation('open'); });          


Modals by default are accessible through the use of various ARIA attributes. To make a modal even more attainable, designate a label to the modal by adding aria-labelledby="exampleModalHeader11" to the container and id="exampleModalHeader11" to the chemical element you want to designate equally the characterization.

edit on codepen button

                          <p>              <button                class="button"                data-open="exampleModal11">Click me for a modal</push button>              </p>              <div                class="reveal"                id="exampleModal11"                aria-labelledby="exampleModalHeader11"                information-reveal>              <h1                id="exampleModalHeader11">Label for the Modal!</h1>              <p                class="lead">I am fifty-fifty more attainable than the other modals.</p>              <button                class="close-button"                data-close                aria-label="Close Attainable Modal"                type="push">              <span                aria-hidden="truthful">              &times;              </span>              </button>              </div>                      

I am even more attainable than the other modals.

Sass Reference


The default styles of this component can be customized using these Sass variables in your projection's settings file.

Name Type Default Value Clarification
$reveal-groundwork Color $white

Default background colour of a modal.

$reveal-width Number 600px

Default width of a modal, with no grade applied.

$reveal-max-width Number $global-width

Default maximum width of a modal.

$reveal-padding Number $global-padding

Default padding inside a modal.

$reveal-edge Number 1px solid $medium-gray

Default border around a modal.

$reveal-radius Number $global-radius

Default radius for modal.

$reveal-zindex Number 1005

z-alphabetize for modals. The overlay uses this value, while the modal itself uses this value plus 1.

$reveal-overlay-background Color rgba($black, 0.45)

Groundwork color of modal overlays.


Nosotros use these mixins to build the final CSS output of this component. You lot can use the mixins yourself to build your ain grade structure out of our components.


                                      @include                    reveal-overlay($background);                

Adds styles for a modal overlay.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
$background Color $reveal-overlay-background

Background color of the overlay.


                                      @include                    reveal-modal-base;                

Adds base styles for a modal.


                                      @include                    reveal-modal-width($width,                    $max-width);                

Adjusts the width of a modal.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
$width Number None

Width of the modal. More often than not a percent.

$max-width Number $reveal-max-width

Maximum width of the modal.


                                      @include                    reveal-modal-fullscreen;                

Creates a total-screen modal, which stretches the full width and height of the window.

JavaScript Reference


The following files must be included in your JavaScript to use this plugin:

  • foundation.core.js
  • foundation.reveal.js
    • With utility library foundation.util.keyboard.js
    • With utility library foundation.util.touch on.js
    • With utility library foundation.util.triggers.js
    • With utility library foundation.util.mediaQuery.js
    • With utility library foundation.util.motion.js


Creates a new instance of Reveal.

                                  var                  elem =                  new                  Foundation.Reveal(element, options);              
Proper name Type Description
element jQuery jQuery object to utilize for the modal.
options Object optional parameters.

Plugin Options

Use these options to customize an example of Reveal. Plugin options tin can be set as individual data attributes, one combined data-options aspect, or as an object passed to the plugin's constructor. Learn more about how JavaScript plugins are initialized.

Name Type Default Description
information-animation-in string &#x27;&#x27; Motion-UI class to apply for animated elements. If none used, defaults to simple show/hide.
data-animation-out cord &#x27;&#x27; Motion-UI grade to use for animated elements. If none used, defaults to elementary testify/hibernate.
information-show-delay number 0 Time, in ms, to delay the opening of a modal after a click if no animation used.
data-hide-delay number 0 Time, in ms, to delay the endmost of a modal after a click if no blitheness used.
data-close-on-click boolean true Allows a click on the body/overlay to shut the modal.
information-close-on-esc boolean true Allows the modal to shut if the user presses the `ESCAPE` key.
data-multiple-opened boolean faux If true, allows multiple modals to be displayed at once.
information-v-commencement number or cord auto Distance, in pixels, the modal should push down from the top of the screen.
data-h-starting time number or string auto Distance, in pixels, the modal should push in from the side of the screen.
data-full-screen boolean false Allows the modal to be fullscreen, completely blocking out the rest of the view. JS checks for this too.
information-overlay boolean truthful Allows the modal to generate an overlay div, which will cover the view when modal opens.
data-reset-on-close boolean false Allows the modal to remove and reinject markup on close. Should be true if using video elements w/o using provider's api, otherwise, videos will continue to play in the groundwork.
information-deep-link boolean false Link the location hash to the modal. Set the location hash when the modal is opened/closed, and open/close the modal when the location changes.
data-update-history fake If `deepLink` is enabled, update the browser history with the open up modal
information-append-to string trunk Allows the modal to suspend to custom div.
data-additional-overlay-classes string &#x27;&#x27; Allows adding additional class names to the reveal overlay.


These events will fire from whatever element with a Reveal plugin fastened.

Proper noun Description
closeme.zf.reveal Fires immediately before the modal opens. Closes whatsoever other modals that are currently open
open.zf.reveal Fires when the modal has successfully opened.
closed.zf.reveal Fires when the modal is done closing.



                  $('#element').foundation('_disableScroll', scrollTop);                

Disables the roll when Reveal is shown to prevent the groundwork from shifting

Name Type Description
scrollTop number Scroll to visually employ, window current scroll by default


                  $('#element').foundation('_enableScroll', scrollTop);                

Reenables the scroll when Reveal closes

Name Type Description
scrollTop number Ringlet to restore, html "top" belongings by default (as set by `_disableScroll`)

open up

                  $('#chemical element').foundation('open up');                

Opens the modal controlled past this.$anchor, and closes all others by default.

Fires these events: Reveal#result:closeme Reveal#result:open



Closes the modal.

Fires these events: Reveal#result:closed



Toggles the open/closed country of a modal.



Destroys an instance of a modal.


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